Super Full Moon in Virgo and Spring Equinox

Friends, I wanted to share a special post from my sister, Tami Brunk, who offers an incredibly insightful newsletter about Earth and Sky at Today’s newsletter highlights tonight’s Super Full Moon and puts it into context.

Picture 3Dear Friends,

We are nearing a 3-day period of incredible potency, from Saturday the 19 through Monday the 21.

Saturday the Full Moon at 29 Virgo is at perigee–the closest it has been to the Earth for 18 years. Sunday marks the Spring Equinox, and Monday Uranus conjoins with the Aries Sun.

When we engage ceremonially in these events of such cosmological significance with clear intentions and from the heart, magic happens. We are communicating with the Universe–we recognize the sacred patterning of which we are a part and our intention is to dance joyfully with it. We are willing to show up–in our beauty and uniqueness–to co-create with Great Mystery.

Ceremony need not be complex. The most magical moments in these next few days will be Saturday sunset and Sunday sunrise. In both instances we can tune into and experience the dynamic opposition of the Equinox Sun and Full Moon–rising and setting very close to the same time.

Many blessings,


Full Moon at 29 Virgo at 11:10 am MST Saturday

On Saturday near noon we experience a Full Moon at 29 Virgo. Above all, Virgo investigates the sacred patterning of our Universe–the cycles and rhythms of the Earth and Cosmos. Virgo provides us with a ceremonial attitude of reverence toward these patterns and a desire to align harmoniously with them. As we tune into the wisdom represented by the final degree of mastery of Virgo we can ask ourselves-what is my sacred work in service to, and in alignment, with the wellbeing of the living Earth? This is an especially potent time for ceremony, due to the Virgo influence.

Sabian symbols give insight into the meaning behind each degree of a zodiac sign. The Sabian symbol for 29 Virgo is: After a crisis, a seeker of occult knowledge is reading an ancient scroll which illumines his mind. This past week, the entire planet and all of humanity has been feeling the reverberations of the crisis in Japan, and the vulnerability of the most modern societies in the face of Earth changes. Are we ready to seek guidance from an ancient form of knowledge–that of Earth consciousness itself?

Lately when I send healing energy to Japan I also send prayers for the scientists and societal innovators whose work and intent is aligned with the wellbeing of the Earth. I ask that we might find new breakthroughs–technologies, sources of energy, and institutional systems to support the wellbeing and continued evolution of human consciousness aligned with Earth cycles and renewal. And I ask that we might be infused with collective reverence and deep appreciation for the Earth and all of its creatures.

Spring Equinox Seeking Balance

At 5:21 pm MST on Sunday the 20th, the Sun enters the sign of Aries, marking the exact point of the Equinox. This is the time of perfect balance between day and night. Following on the heels of the Full Moon, which is a moment of opposition between the Sun and Moon, we are invited to look at the places in our lives where we feel conflicted, or pulled in two, and to seek a harmonious balance.

Let’s look at the contrast between Virgo and Pisces, which was expressed at the Full Moon, as well as Aries and Libra-the opposite energies expressed with Sun, Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury all in Aries opposite Saturn and the Moon in the sign of Libra at the moment of Equinox. Jupiter and Saturn are approaching exact opposition of Aries and Libra–a big event indeed!–and will be exact on the 29th. We can certainly feel that dynamic building now.

Aries and Virgo both carry the energy of the loner, focused on their own individual path. Aries is independent, dislikes being tied down or told what to do, and wants to plunge into action and experience without much reflection or concern for the feeling of others. Virgo is impersonal, with an absolute devotion to the sacred work, and not much patience for the messiness of flawed human relationships–which can feel like a distraction from the spiritual life.

Libra and Pisces are more concerned with relationship, and the connections that “bind” us.

Libra wants to experience authentic, heartful connection with others, and really values community and bonding. There can sometimes be TOO much focus on what others want, to the degree that we lose sight of who we are, or what are personally aiming for. Pisces is immersed in the profound awareness that we truly are “All One,” and merges easily with others–feeling empathy and connection to everyone we meet. Sometimes, as with Libra, we can lose track of our own personal aims.

Finding Our Balance in the Modern World

SO many of us are feeling a painful confusion around what we want. Do we want to be alone, to do our own thing, to retreat, to push away the obligations of relationships? Or do we want to open our windows and doors and invite in more connections, more experience of community? Why is it that both options can feel so unsatisfying, so painful?

So many of us feel a kind of schizophrenia at this time. On the one hand we long for loving, authentic connections with others. We feel so isolated, so disconnected, so disembodied. For example, I feel so strongly that I want to be part of a movement to reknit communities, to re-establish connections between neighbors… and yet I already feel so overburdened by too many connections!

I think it is very important to have compassion for our current predicament. Never before as a species have we had this experience of complete inundation with the Collective–the images, stories, experiences, of our GYNORMOUS global family. We feel so linked to one another through the internet and other global systems of connection. This is a tremendous gift, an extraordinary opportunity. It is an amazingly profound product of human evolution.

Yet sometimes it feels like a tremendous burden, and it can be exhausting. I have found it to be astonishingly easy to spend the majority of my waking hours communicating–through email, Facebook, cell phones, and face to face– yet somehow still feel incredibly isolated. From my body, from my partner, from my community, from the natural world, from my living soul.

I feel we are on a tremendous learning curve– AND that we have the assistance of so many divine helpers in this process. We are learning to SORT, at warp speed, through so many possibilities; to navigate clearly and with ease toward the life experiences, the communications, the relationships, and information that serve our most joyful, aligned with Spirit, soul purpose.

I believe we can leave behind the stress, the overwhelm, and the isolation. We can embrace a more grounded, satisfying, healthy and loving way of connecting to our own hearts, to our communities, and to the Earth. To the degree that we can remember to touch into Source, which reconnects us to our intuitive and heart-led guidance system, we find our way more easily. When we get out of alignment, we rapidly become stuck, overwhelmed, and feel as though we are drowning.

Equinox Sun Conjunct Uranus

According to my teacher Cayelin Castell, it has been 335 years since Uranus has been conjunct the Sun so near the Spring Equinox. So this may indeed be the most significant Spring Equinox in our lifetime. What does this mean? Uranus is a change agent, in service to shifting humanity’s current “point of balance” to a completely new place. The way Uranus operates is through sudden, unexpected events that move us forward along our evolutionary path.

I feel that Uranus holds the key to finding balance and ease within our current times. We might find ourselves in a state of paralysis, brought on by so much change, so quickly and at such a large scale, bombarding us from every direction. We CANNOT find a way out of our collective mess through the tried and true methods. We cannot look to the past for a way forward. We MUST leap, we MUST embrace the unknown, the never before experienced.

The most empowering way to engage with Uranus is to say–I give up. I trust the flow of the Universe, and I choose to flow WITH it, rather than against it. It is to say–I will seek a NEW path, a new way. I will believe in the possibility of miracles, of surprising and unexpected events, and insights and revelations that reveal, in a flash, a way forward that I had never suspected before.

We cannot waste our time looking for the sure thing, for the certain path, for security. We cannot waste our time looking to the past, clinging to old hurts and old stories as a form of comfort. We must open up, and create a space in our lives for Grace to enter, for Spirit to flood our awareness, to know that truly ANYTHING is possible


One response to “Super Full Moon in Virgo and Spring Equinox”

  1. Hola Tracy!

    Im glad you keep up the blog. It was nice to read about you and where you have landed. I hope Jalisco treats you well.



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